Science and Technical Meetings

ESO Science Meetings provides information about upcoming ESO or ESO-related Seminars, Colloquia and Scientific Conferences and Workshops in Europe and Chile.

The following pages provide more details.

Seminars, Colloquia, and Lunch Talks

Local information about Seminars, Colloquia, and Lunch Talks:



During these times of enforced home-working,  the science life had to be adapted. For the time being, we have the following weekly activities:

  • Local Science Coffee meetings at 11:00
  • Local Journal Club on Tuesdays 
  • Joint talks with Garching colleagues on Wednesday, 10:00
  • Local TMTs on Wednesday afternnoon, 14:30 (
  • Joint ESO/ALMA colloquium on Thursday at 11:00 (
  • Stellar coffee: every other Monday, 14:30
  • Extragalactic coffee: every other Monday, 15:30



ESO or ESO-Related Conferences and Workshops

List of the approved workshops for 2025:

The call for proposals for ESO Workshops 2025 opened on 1st March 2024 and the deadline to submit proposals was 29 April 2024. The ad-hoc selection committee approved the following workshops:

Approved Workshops in Garching

  • Towards new frontiers: the astrochemical journey from young stellar nurseries to exoplanets
  • The role of accretion and ejection variability in the evolution of young stars and their disks
  • Exo-ELT Conference - Planetary formation and Exoplanets at the ELT era
  • Galactic ecosystems under the microscope: lessons from highly-resolved studies

Approved Workshops in Chile

  • Highly accreting supermassive black holes across all cosmic times: from the local Universe to cosmic dawn
  • Why Galaxies care about AGB stars V: 3D winds in the cosmic matter cycle
  • LISA (Library and Information Services in Astronomy)


For more details please visit the webpage ESO - Conferences 2025.