This is the initial announcement for the upcoming ESO workshop "Planetary Formation and Exoplanets in the ELT era" at ESO Garching, 17 - 21 November 2025. This workshop will discuss the understanding of how giant and rocky planets form and evolve, their internal structure
and that of their atmosphere, in the context of the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT).
ESO Workshop "Planetary Formation and Exoplanets in the ELT Era", ESO Garching, 17-21 November 2025
Published: 26 Nov 2024
The main aims of the workshop are to:
- inform the ESO community about the status, schedule, modes and performances of the MORFEO/MICADO, HARMONI, METIS, MOSAIC, ANDES and PCS instruments;
- present and revisit the science that will be addressed by the ELT, the scientific cases, samples, strategies of observation, calibration, data analysis and interpretation tools of the programmes dedicated to the study of the planetary formation and exoplanets;
- foster collaboration and synergy within the community to harmonize efforts, tools and strategies for the preparatory work on the ELT programmes dedicated to these topics within the framework of the guaranteed and open time.
Key dates:
- Pre-registration: 1 December 2024
- Abstract submission and registration open: 1 April 2025
- Abstract submission deadline: 15 May 2025
- Abstract selection notification: 15 July 2025
- Programme announcement: 15 July 2025
- Registration (and payment) deadline: 24 September 2025
- Workshop: 17 - 21 November 2025