
Title: "Galaxy evolution, large-scale structure and environment in the UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey"

Scientific program:
"Deep infrared surveys are vital if we are to obtain a complete census of the high-redshift Universe, without the
strong selection biases that plague optically-selected surveys. The ongoing UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey (UDS)
is already the deepest wide-field (0.8deg2) near-infrared survey ever undertaken. This is an ESO public survey
that will not be matched until at least 2011, providing a unique stellar-mass selected view of the high-z Universe
over a volume large enough to allow detailed studies of the growth and evolution of large-scale structure. We
propose a deep spectroscopic survey to obtain redshifts for a representative sample of  4000 galaxies, selected
using photometric redshifts to be at z > 1 (plus a control sample of 500 with zphot < 1). This will be achieved
using VIMOS to target brighter galaxies, with FORS tackling the fainter population. A key aim is to determine
the relationship between environment and galaxy properties at z > 1, in particular to chart the emergence of the
galaxy red sequence. Redshifts will also provide an unbiased study of large-scale structure and the evolution of
clustering over a wide redshift range (1 < z < 3), accurate luminosity and mass functions, and the identification
of 60 submillimetre galaxies. The resulting redshift database will, in addition, provide a lasting legacy for
detailed studies with future generations of facilities. We waive all proprietary rights to the data.."