Science workshops are an essential component of ESO's programmes and represent a unique opportunity to promote and foster ideas and collaborations within the scientific community. Every year, through the Directorate for Science, ESO provides support and funding to organise two workshops in Santiago and four in Garching, as well as co-funding some external workshops (see ESO Workshops calendar). A new Call has been issued inviting community astronomers to team up with ESO staff and fellows in Chile and/or in Germany to submit proposals for ESO workshops to be held in 2018.
Call for Proposals for ESO Workshops 2018
Published: 28 Feb 2017

Further details are provided in the Call, where the content of proposals is outlined. The workshop proposal form is available in Word or LibreOffice format. Proposals should be sent as PDF by email to Stella Chasiotis-Klingner ( by 13 April 2017.