The Fried Egg Nebula in the constellation of Scorpius

This chart shows the location of the rare yellow hypergiant star IRAS 17163-3907 within the constellation of Scorpius (The Scorpion). This map shows most of the stars visible to the unaided eye under good conditions and the location of the star itself is marked with a red circle. Although this object appears very bright in the infrared sky it is faint in visible light and hard to find in the very rich star-fields of the centre of the Milky Way.


ESO, IAU and Sky & Telescope

About the Image

Release date:28 September 2011, 12:00
Related releases:eso1136
Size:3338 x 4205 px

About the Object

Name:IRAS 17163-3907, Scorpius Constellation
Type:Milky Way : Star : Type : Exotic
Milky Way : Sky Phenomenon : Night Sky : Constellation
Distance:13000 light years

Image Formats

Large JPEG
932.4 KB
Publication JPEG
863.2 KB
Screensize JPEG
217.7 KB