Path of the shadow of the dwarf planet Eris during the occultation of November 2010

This animation shows the path of the shadow of the dwarf planet Eris cast by a faint star as it crossed the Earth during the occultation during November 2010. The regions along the path saw the star briefly disappear as its light was blocked by Eris. Studies of where the event was seen, and for how long, have allowed astronomers to measure the size of Eris accurately for the first time. Surprisingly, they find it to be almost exactly the same size as Pluto and that it has a very reflective surface.


ESO/L. Calçada 

Über das Video

Veröffentlichungsdatum:26. Oktober 2011 19:00
Dazugehörige Veröffentlichungen:eso1142
Dauer:28 s
Frame rate:30 fps

Über das Objekt

Typ:Solar System : Interplanetary Body : Dwarf planet
Kategorie:Solar System



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