NEON Schools 2011

The 4th NEON Archive School, 6-17 September 2011 (CANCELLED!)
The 9th NEON Observing School, 14-27 July 2011

NEON stands for the Network of European Observatories in the North. The organizing consortium is composed of Asiago Observatory (Italy), Calar Alto Observatory (Germany, Spain), European Southern Observatory (ESO, Germany), Observatoire de Haute-Provence (OHP, France) and La Palma observatories (ING and NOT, UK, Netherlands, Spain and Nordic Countries). 

The NEON Observing Schools are supported by OPTICON .

The aim of the NEON summer schools
The purpose of the summer schools is to provide the opportunity for young researchers to gain practical experience in observational techniques, data reduction and analysis and the use of virtual observatory tools. Students will carry out small research projects, centered on selected astrophysical topics, in small groups under the supervision of experienced astronomers. These practical exercises will be complemented by lectures on general observational techniques and archival research for both ground and space based astronomy.

There are 2 NEON Schools in 2011. Applicants should state whether or not they have a preference for either school in the registration form:

  • 4th NEON Archive School: ESO-Garching, 6-17 September (CANCELLED)
  • 9th NEON Observing School: Moletai Observatory, Lithuania, 14-27 July

The NEON Archive School at ESO will concentrate on the research possible with the data contained in the vast observatory archives (both ground and space-based) with emphasis on data reduction techniques and the new tools now available within the Virtual Observatory. A record of the First, Second and Third NEON Archive Schools can be found at NEON 2004, NEON 2006 and NEON 2008 .

The NEON Observing School at Moletai Observatory will largely concentrate on the skills required to execute an observing program (imaging and spectroscopy) and instrumental developments. An account of previous observing schools can be found on the NEON Observing Schools page.

The schools are principally open to astronomy PhD students and postdocs who are nationals of a Member State or an Associate State of the European Union. This includes applicants who are currently working outside the EU. Applications from other European countries will also be considered.

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