Star and Planet Formation Workshop

On 14 May 2012 we held a one-day workshop in the ESO Auditorium with the aim of bringing the star and planet formation community from ESO-MPE-USM together. From the large number of participants and the range and depth of topics covered, it is clear that star and planet formation is a vibrant research field in the Munich area. Below is the workshop program with links to the slides for each of the talks.
Organising Committee: Steve Longmore, Loredana Spezzi and Davide Fedele
Speaker and Talk title
J. Ascenso (ESO) Star formation in giant complexes
N. Bastian (EC) The Formation and Early Evolution of Massive Stellar Clusters
G. Beccari (ESO) Pre Main Sequece stars in the Carina Nebula: evidence of age spread?
T. Birnstiel (EC/USM) Modeling of dust in protoplanetary disks
E. Bressert (ESO) How to find young massive cluster progenitors in the Milky Way
G. Costigan (ESO) Accretion Variability in Young stellar Objects
S. Daemgen (ESO) The evolution of protoplanetary disks in T Tauri binary systems
D. Fedele (MPE) Herschel observations of Herbig AeBe stars
K. Fierlinger (USM) Feedback efficiency of massive stars in GMCs
M. Goto (USM) Thinking group I to II evolution of Herbig Ae/Be stars again
A. Karska (MPE) Herschel/PACS survey of deeply-embedded low-mass young stellar objects
D. Kruijssen (MPA) The fraction of star formation occurring in bound stellar clusters
S. Longmore (ESO) Searching for Galactic molecular cloud progenitors of the most massive stellar clusters
C. Manara (ESO) The role of accretion in the formation of stars and planets: a VLT/X-Shooter perspective
A. Maury (ESO) Exploring the youngest protostars at sub-arcsecond scales.
P. Mucciarelli (USM) Chasing low-mass stars in the S254-S258 star forming region through multiwavelength data
E. Ntormousi (USM) Core fragmentation in the collapse phase: the stability of gravitational collapse flows
S. Pekruhl (USM) Molecular cloud structure in the Carina Nebula
M. Petr-Gotzens (ESO) To be or not to be: TMR-1C the first imaged protoplanet?
T. Preibisch (USM) Revealing global properties of star forming regions with multiwavelength observations
T. Ratzka (USM) Infrared Interferometry of young stellar objects
G. Rosotti (EC/USM) X-ray photoevaporation and planet formation in the dispersal of protoplanetary discs
L. Testi (ESO) Dust evolution in protoplanetary disks: the first steps of planet formation (?)
M. van den Ancker (ESO) High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Intermediate-Mass YSO Candidates
E. Whelan (Dublin) XSHOOTER observations of jets from young stars and brown dwarfs
Coffee: 9:00-9:15
Session 1, Chairperson: E. van Dishoeck
09:15 - 09:30 A. Karska Herschel/PACS survey of deeply-embedded low-mass young stellar objects
09:30 - 09:45 J. Ascenso Star formation in giant complexes
09:45 - 10:00 E. Ntormousi Core fragmentation in the collapse phase: the stability of gravitational collapse flows
10:10 - 10:15 S. Pekruhl Molecular cloud structure in the Carina Nebula
10:15 - 10:30 T. Preibisch Revealing global properties of star forming regions with multiwavelength observations
10:30 - 10:45 K. Fierlinger Feedback efficiency of massive stars in GMCs
Coffee Break: 10:45-11:00
Session 2, Chairperson: A. Burkert
11:00 - 11:15 P. Mucciarelli Chasing low-mass stars in the S254-S258 star forming region through multiwavelength data
11:15 - 11:30 A. Maury Exploring the youngest protostars at sub-arcsecond scales
11:30 - 11:45 E. Bressert How to find young massive cluster progenitors in the Milky Way
11:45 - 12:00 S. Longmore Searching for Galactic molecular cloud progenitors of the most massive stellar clusters
12:00 - 12:15 N. Bastian The Formation and Early Evolution of Massive Stellar Clusters
12:15 - 12:30 D. Kruijssen The fraction of star formation occurring in bound stellar clusters
Lunch Break: 12:30-14:00
Session 3, Chairperson: B. Ercolano
14:00 - 14:15 G. Beccari Pre Main Sequece stars in the Carina Nebula: evidence of age spread?
14:15 - 14:30 S. Daemgen The evolution of protoplanetary disks in T Tauri binary systems
14:30 - 14:45 G. Rosotti X-ray photoevaporation and planet formation in the dispersal of protoplanetary discs
14:45 - 15:00 L. Testi Dust evolution in protoplanetary disks: the first steps of planet formation (?)
15:00 - 15:15 T. Birnstiel Modeling of dust in protoplanetary disks
15:15 - 15:30 D. Fedele Herschel observations of Herbig AeBe stars
Coffee Break: 15:30-15:45
Session 4, Chairperson : L. Testi
15:45 - 16:00 M. Goto Thinking group I to II evolution of Herbig Ae/Be stars again
16:00 - 16:15 T. Ratzka Infrared Interferometry of young stellar objects
16:15 - 16:30 M. Petr-Gotzens To be or not to be: TMR-1C the first imaged protoplanet?
16:30 - 16:45 M. van den Ancker High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Intermediate-Mass YSO Candidates
16:45 - 17:00 E. Whelan XSHOOTER observations of jets from young stars and brown dwarfs
17:00 - 17:15 C. Manara The role of accretion in the formation of stars and planets: a VLT/X-Shooter perspective
17:15 - 17:30 G. Costigan Accretion Variability in Young stellar Objects
Dinner 19:30