Shaping E-ELT Science and Instrumentation
ESO Garching, February 25-March 1, 2013
Goals of the workshop
The E-ELT project office is organising a four-day workshop to gather community input for the E-ELT instrumentation roadmap. The workshop will address the instruments to follow on from the two first-light instruments.
Presentations are invited on new or updated E-ELT science cases, shaping the definition of the upcoming instrument suite and also on ideas for instrumentation and technologies matching the E-ELT instrumentation roadmap. In particular, the project aims at gathering input on the science case and requirements for a mid-infrared instrument, a multi-object spectrograph and a high spectral resolution spectrograph.
WORKSHOP LOCATION: Please note the change of location of this workhop.
From Monday 25th to Thursday 28th it will be at the Buergersaal in Ismaning, Erich-Zeitler-Strasse 2
On Friday March 1st it will be at ESO HQ in Garching.
Bus transport is provided, please see Travel Information.
Important dates
Registration deadline: 16th November 2012
Accomodation reservation: Extended to 14th January 2013
Workshop dates: 25 February 2013 - 1 Mar 2013
Conference email: