As the first generation of ESO Public Surveys was completing their observations on the VLT Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA), ESO issued a Call for new VISTA Public Surveys. The extensive process of the evaluation of proposals and preparation of Survey Management Plans for the second cycle of VISTA Public surveys has now been almost completed. Seven new projects will start operations in P99 (April – September 2017) covering a wide range of scientific topics.
Second Cycle of ESO Public Surveys at VISTA begins in Period 99

The seven Cycle 2 VISTA Public Surveys are briefly described on the webpage, which also provides links to their Survey Management Plans with detailed information on the observing plans, scheduling requirements, as well as data products and delivery milestones for publication via the Science Archive Facility. The seven surveys are listed and the colour-coded footprints of their targeted areas are shown in the figure.
- VIsta Near-infraRed Observations Unveiling Gravitational wave Events (VINROUGE)
- Completing the Legacy of UltraVISTA - Red
- The VVV eXtended ESO Public Survey (VVVX) - Light blue
- VISTA Extragalactic Infrared Legacy Survey (VEILS) - Light red
- VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations Survey (GCAV) - Violet
- VISTA Star Formation Atlas (VISIONS) - Green
- Southern H-ATLAS Regions Ks-band Survey (SHARKS) - Yellow
In relation to the P100 Call for Proposals, more information on the protected target lists for the second cycle of VISTA Public Surveys is available here.

VISTA Public Surveys Cycle 2 footprints:
Light blue: VVVX
Yellow: SHARKS
Violet: GCAV
Light red: VEILS
Red: UltraVISTA+
N.B. VINROUGE does not having pointings in this figure as they will be set by Gravitational Wave triggers as they occur.