Messenger No. 94 (December 1998)
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Successful commissioning of FORS1 - the first optical instrument on the VLT.
ADS BibCode:
Appenzeller, I.; Fricke, K.; Fürtig, W.; Gässler, W.; Häfner, R.; Harke, R.; Hess, H.-J.; Hummel, W.; Jürgens, P.; Kudritzki, R.-P.; Mantel, K.-H.; Meisl, W.; Muschielok, B.; Nicklas, H.; Rupprecht, G.; Seifert, W.; Stahl, O.; Szeifert, T.; Tarantik, K.
AA(Landessternwarte Heidelberg) AB(Universitäts-Sternwarte Göttingen) AC(Landessternwarte Heidelberg) AD(Universitäts-Sternwarte München) AE(Universitäts-Sternwarte München) AF(Universitäts-Sternwarte Göttingen) AG(Universitäts-Sternwarte München) AH(Universitäts-Sternwarte München) AI(Universitäts-Sternwarte Göttingen) AJ(Universitäts-Sternwarte München) AK(Universitäts-Sternwarte München) AL(Universitäts-Sternwarte München) AM(Universitäts-Sternwarte München) AN(Universitäts-Sternwarte Göttingen) AO(ESO Garching) AP(Landessternwarte Heidelberg) AQ(Landessternwarte Heidelberg) AR(Landessternwarte Heidelberg) AS(Universitäts-Sternwarte München)
FORS, the FOcal Reducer/low dispersion Spectrograph, has been designed as an all-dioptric Cassegrain instrument for the wavelength range from 330 nm to 1100 mm. The FORS schedule foresees a second commissioning period after the assessment of the data from the first commissioning; after this the instrument is officially handed over to ESO.
1. Appenzeller, I., Rupprecht, G.: FORS, The
Focal Reducer for the VLT, The Messenger
No. 67, p. 18, 1992.
2. Mitsch, W., Rupprecht, G., Seifert, W.,
Nicklas, H., Kiesewetter, S.: Versatile multi
object spectroscopy with FORS at the ESO
Very Large Telescope, in: Instrumentation
in Astronomy VIII, eds. C. Crawford and E.R.
Craine, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2198, p. 317,
3. Böhnhardt, H., Möhler, S., Hess, H.-J.,
Kiesewetter, S., Nicklas, H.: Design
Benchmarks of the FORS Instrument for the
ESO VLT, in: Scientific and Engineering
Frontiers of 8-10m Telescopes, eds. M. Iye
and T. Nishimura, Universal Academic
Press Inc. Tokyo, p. 199, 1995.
4. Möhler S., Seifert, W., Appenzeller, I.,
Muschielok, B.: The FORS Instruments for
the ESO VLT, in: Calibrating and Understanding
HST and ESO Instruments, ed. P.
Benvenuti, ESO Conference and Workshop
Proceedings No. 53, p. 149, 1995.
5. Fürtig, W., Seifert, W.: A set of grisms for
FORS, in: Tridimensional Optical Spectroscopic
Methods in Astrophysics, eds. G.
Comte and M. Mercelin, ASP Conference
Series Vol. 71, p. 27, 1996.
6. Appenzeller, I., Stahl, O., Kiesewetter, S.,
Kudritzki, R.-P., Nicklas, H., Rupprecht,
G.: Spectroscopy of faint distant objects with
FORS, in: The Early Universe with the
VLT, ed. J. Bergeron, ESO Astrophysics
Symposia Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, p.
35, 1997.
7. Szeifert, T., Appenzeller, I., Fürtig, W.,
Seifert, W., Stahl, O., Böhnhardt, H.,
Gässler, W., Häfner R., Hess, H.-J., Mantel
K.-H., Meisl, W., Muschielok, B., Tarantik,
K., Harke, R., Jürgens, P., Nicklas, H.,
Rupprecht, G.: Testing FORS – the first
Focal Reducer for the ESO VLT, in: Optical
Astronomical Instrumentation, SPIE Proc.
Vol. 3355, p. 20, 1998.
8. Nicklas, H., Böhnhardt, H., Fürtig, W.,
Harke, R., Hess, H.-J., Jürgens, P.,
Muschielok, B., Seifert, W., Stahl, O.,
Tarantik, K.: Image motion and flexure
compensation of the FORS Spectrographs,
in: Optical Astronomical Instrumentation,
SPIE Proc. Vol. 3355, p. 93, 1998.
7-9 (PDF)
ISAAC sees first light at the VLT.
ADS BibCode:
Moorwood, A.; Cuby, J.-G.; Biereichel, P.; Brynnel, J.; Delabre, B.; Devillard, N.; van Dijsseldonk, A.; Finger, G.; Gemperlein, H.; Gilmozzi, R.; Herlin, T.; Huster, G.; Knudstrup, J.; Lidman, C.; Lizon, J.-L.; Mehrgan, H.; Meyer, M.; Nicolini, G.; Petr, M.; Spyromilio, J.; Stegmeier, J.
AA(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AB(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AC(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AD(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AE(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AF(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AG(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AH(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AI(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AJ(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AK(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AL(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AM(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AN(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AO(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AP(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AQ(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AR(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AS(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AT(ESO, Garching and Paranal) AU(ESO, Garching and Paranal)
ISAAC, the cryogenic infrared spectrometer and array camera saw first light on the VLT on the night of 16/17 November 1998.
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News from VLT Science Verification
ADS BibCode:
The data from the UT1 Science Verifications (SV) have been released to the ESO community on October 2, 1998, with the data relative to the Hubble Deep Field South being available worldwide. The SV data can be retrieved either from the ESO Web server at or ask the library of your institution for the CD-ROM set containing the combined and the raw data. These CD-ROM sets where mailed in October to all astronomical institutes within ESO member states (addressed to the institute’s library). Since some sets are still available, interested people may get one by contacting ESO through the above Web page.
Telescopes and Instrumentation
10-11 (PDF)
Performance of the first two beryllium secondary mirrors of the VLT.
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Stanghellini, S.; Michel, A.
During the month of September 1998 REOSC Optique in Paris successfully completed the mechanical mounting and the optical tests of the second VLT M2 mirror in Beryllium. The secondary mirror was accepted by ESO and shipped to Dornier Satellitensysteme for integration in the second Electromechanical Unit, undergoing its final dynamic acceptance testing.
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The La Silla News Page
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Brewer, J.; Hainaut, O.; Kürster, M.
The editors of the La Silla News Page would like to welcome readers of the twelfth edition of a page devoted to reporting on technical updates and observational achievements at La Silla. We would like this page to inform the astronomical community of changes made to telescopes, instruments, operations, and of instrumental performances that cannot be reported conveniently elsewhere. Contributions and inquiries to this page from the community are most welcome.
11-12 (PDF)
News from the NTT
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Hainaut, O.R.
During the last three months, the operation of the NTT has been particularly smooth; we did not experience any major problem, and the weather has been fairly cooperative. The technical downtime was of the order of 2%.
12-12 (PDF)
2.2-m Telescope Upgrade: a Status Report
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Augusteijn, T.
The hardware modifications and the installation of the VME-based telescope control system (TCS) were finished according to schedule on the 1st of October 1998. In addition, the telescope cabling has been cleaned, the control room refurbished, and the TCS and the instrument control system (DAISY+) workstations have been installed and integrated into the local network.
12-12 (PDF)
Performance of CES 3.6-m Fibre Link and Image Slicers
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Kürster, M.
Three new image slicers for the fibre link from the Coudé Echelle Spectrometer (CES) to the Cassegrain focus of the 3.6- m telescope have arrived. Their properties are summarised in the following table which compares the measured and planned resolving powers, and lists the number of slices produced by each slicer as well as the extent on the CCD of the total spectrum (all slices) in the direction perpendicular to the dispersion.
News from the LSA
13-20 (PDF)
European site testing at Chajnantor: a step towards the Large Southern Array.
ADS BibCode:
News from the LSA
Otárola, A.; Delgado, G.; Booth, R.; Belitsky, V.; Urbain, D.; Radford, S.; Hofstadt, D.; Nyman, L.; Shaver, P.; Hills, R.
AA(European Southern Observatory) AB(SEST/Onsala Space Observatory) AC(Onsala Space Observatory) AD(Onsala Space Observatory) AE(Onsala Space Observatory) AF(National Radio Astronomy Observatory) AG(European Southern Observatory) AH(SEST/Onsala Space Observatory) AI(European Southern Observatory) AJ(Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory)
The Large Southern Array is one of the highest priority projects in European astronomy today. The planned submillimetre operating wavelengths and the need to maximise the efficiency of observing time make the selection of the observatory site a fundamental issue.
Aceituno P., Montecinos A., Departamento de
Geofísica Universidad de Chile, 1996.
The Messenger, No. 91, March 1998.
Fuenzalida R., ESO internal report, 1996.
Fuenzalida H., Ruttlant J., in Proceedings of
the II Congreso Interamericano de Meteorología,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1987,
Holdaway M., Ishiguro M., MMA Memo 127,
Holdaway M., Owen F., MMA Memo 136,
Holdaway M., Radford S., Owen F., Foster S.,
MMA Memo 139, 1995c.
Holdaway M., Radford S., MMA Memo 196,
Otárola A., Delgado G., Bååth L., in
Proceedings of the ESO IRAM NFRA
Onsala workshop 11–13/12/95, P. Shaver
Ed., Springer Verlag, 1996, 358.
Radford S., Reiland G., Shillue B., PASP, No.
108, 1996, 441.
Schmidt D., PhD thesis, Friedrich-Alexander
University, 1997.
Wiedner M., PhD thesis, University of
Cambridge, 1998.
Woody D., Holdaway M., Lay O., Masson C.,
Owen F., Plambeck D. Radford S., Sutton
E., MMA Memo144, 1995.
Reports from Observers
21-25 (PDF)
Probing the cosmic large-scale structure with the REFLEX Cluster Survey: profile of an ESO key programme.
ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Böhringer, H.; Guzzo, L.; Collins, C. A.; Neumann, D. M.; Schindler, S.; Schuecker, P.; Cruddace, R.; Degrandi, S.; Chincarini, G.; Edge, A. C.; MacGillivray, H. T.; Shaver, P.; Vettolani, G.; Voges, W.
AA(Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany) AB(Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milano/Merate, Italy) AC(Liverpool John-Moores University, Liverpool, U.K) AD(CEA Saclay, Service d’Astrophysique, Gif-sur-Yvette, France) AE(Liverpool John-Moores University, Liverpool, U.K) AF(Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany) AG(Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., USA) AH(Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milano/Merate, Italy) AI(Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milano/Merate, Italy) AJ(Durham University, Durham, U.K.) AK(Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, U.K.) AL(European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany) AM(Istituto di Radioastronomia del CNR, Bologna, Italy) AN(Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany)
The present article describes methods of the cluster detection and identification as well as first preliminary results on the statistics of the cluster population and a view on the large-scale distribution of the clusters.
Abell, G.O., 1958, ApJS, 3, 211.
Abell, G.O., Corwin, H.G. and Olowin, R.P.,
1989, ApJS, 70, 1.
Böhringer, H., 1994, in Studying the Universe
with Clusters of Galaxies, H. Böhringer and
S.C. Schindler (eds.), Proceedings of an astrophysical
workshop at Schloß Ringberg,
Oct. 10–15, 1993, MPE Report No. 256, p.
DeGrandi, S., 1996, in Röntgenstrahlung from
the Universe, H.U. Zimmermann, J.E.
Trümper, H. Yorke (eds.), MPE Report
263, p. 577.
Edge, A.C., Böhringer, H., Guzzo, L., et al.,
1994, A&A, 289, L34.
Ebeling, H., Edge, A.C., Fabian, A.C., Allen,
S.W., Crawford, C.S., and Böhringer, H.,
1997, ApJ, 479, L101.
Guzzo, L., Böhringer, H., Briel, U., et al., 1995,
in Wide-Field Spectroscopy and the Distant
Universe, S.J. Maddox and A. Aragón-
Salamanca (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore,
p. 205.
Heydon-Dumbleton, N.H., Collins, C.A., and
MacGillivray, H.T., 1989, MNRAS, 238,
Pierre, M., Böhringer, H., Ebeling, H., Voges,
W., Schuecker, P., Cruddace, R.G., and
MacGillivray, H.T., 1994, A&A, 290, 725.
Romer, A.K., Collins, C.A., Böhringer, H.,
Cruddace, R.G., Ebeling, H., MacGillivray,
H.T., and Voges, W., 1994, Nature, 372, 75.
Schindler, S.C., Guzzo, L., Ebeling, H., et al.,
1995, A&A, 299, L9.
Schindler, S., Hattori, M., Neumann, D.M., and
Böhringer, H., 1996, A&A, 317, 646.
Tadros, H., Efstathiou, G., and Dalton, G.,
1998, MNRAS, 296, 995.
Trümper, J., 1993, Science, 260, 1769.
Voges, W., Boller, T., Dennerl, K., et al.,
1996, in Röntgenstrahlung from the
Universe, H.U. Zimmermann, J.E. Trümper,
H. Yorke (eds.), MPE Report No. 263, p.
White, S.D.M., Efstathiou, G., and Frenk,
C.S., MNRAS, 1993, 262, 1023.
25-28 (PDF)
Timing, spectroscopy and multicolour imaging of the candidate optical counterpart of PSR B1509-58.
ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Mignani, R. P.; Mereghetti, S.; Gouiffes, C.; Caraveo, P. A.
AA(ST-ECF, Garching) AB(Istituto di Fisica Cosmica “G.Occhialini”, Milan) AC(Service d’Astrophysique CEA/DSM/DAPNIA C.E Saclay) AD(Istituto Astronomico, Università La Sapienza, Rome, Italy)
The authors discuss the results of detailed optical investigations of the PSR B1509-58 candidate counterpart. Apart from the fast photometry observations of Caraveo (1998), presented here in detail, the data set consists of both multicolour imaging and spectroscopy.
Becker, W. & Trümper, 1997, A&A 326, 682.
Brazier, K.T.S. et al, 1994, MNRAS, 268, 517.
Caraveo, P.A., Mereghetti, S. and Bignami,
G.F., 1994a, ApJ 423, L125.
Caraveo, P.A., Bignami, G.F., Mereghetti, S.,
Mignani, R. and Gouiffes, C., 1994b, BAAS
184, 2104C.
Caraveo, P.A., 1998, Adv. in Sp. Res. Vol. 21,
Chakrabarty, D. & Kaspi, V., 1998, ApJ 498,
Gaensler, B.M., Brazier, K.T.S., Manchester,
R.N., Johnston, S. and Green, A.J., 1998,
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana
– in press.
Gouiffes, C., Finley, J.P. and Ögelman, H.,
1992, ApJ 394, 581.
Gouiffes, C., 1998, Neutron Stars and Pulsars:
Thirty years after the discovery.
ed. N. Shibazaki, N. Kawai, S. Shibata and
T. Kifune, p. 363, Universal Academic
Kaspi, V.M. et al., 1994, ApJ 422, L83.
Manchester, R.N., Tuhoy, I.R. and D’Amico,
N., 1982, ApJ 262, L31.
Matz, S.M. et al, 1994, ApJ 434, 288.
Mignani, R., Caraveo, P.A. and Bignami, G.F.,
1997, ApJ 474, L51.
Mignani, R., 1998, Neutron Stars and Pulsars:
Thirty years after the discovery. ed. N.
Shibazaki, N. Kawai, S. Shibata & T. Kifune,
p335, Universal Academic Press.
Mignani, R., Caraveo, P.A. and Bignami, G.F.,
1999, A&A – in press.
Pacini, F., 1971, ApJ 163, L17.
Pacini, F. & Salvati, M., 1987, ApJ 321, 447.
Seward, F.D. &Hardnen, F.R., 1982, ApJ 256,
Shearer, A. et al, 1998, A&A 333, L16.
Strom, R.G., 1994, MNRAS 268, L5.
Taylor, J. H., Manchester, R. N. and Lyne, A.
G., 1993, ApJS 88, 529.
Taylor, J.H., Manchester, R.N., Lyne, A.G. and
Camilo, F., 1995 (
Ulmer, M.P. et al, 1993, ApJ 417, 738.
Wallace, P.T., 1990, Starlink User Note 5.11,
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
28-31 (PDF)
The first X-ray emitting brown dwarf.
ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Comerón, F.; Neuhäuser, R.; Kaas, A. A.
AA(ESO, Garching, Germany) AB(MPE, Garching, Germany) AC(Stockholm Observatory, Stockholm, Sweden)
The increasing number of brown dwarfs discovered in the last few years is rapidly opening the possibilities of studying a wide range of their properties and the ways in which these depend on essential parameters, such as the mass, the age, the rotation, or the environment. One of these properties is the magnetic field, which in principle should be expected to be important in fully convective objects such as brown dwarfs. The chromospheric X-ray emission, widely observed in M-type dwarfs (Neuhäuser 1997), has its origin in this magnetic activity. As such, it offers an observational tool to probe the interior of these objects, the mechanisms for the generation and maintenance of their magnetic fields, and the way in which the magnetic activity is affected by the basic parameters of the object. The detection of X-ray emission from brown dwarfs is thus of great importance to extend our understanding of the properties of stellar magnetic fields to the substellar domain, as well as to ascertain to what extent a small, substellar mass, and the consequent lack of a permanent nuclear energy source, can have an impact in the production and the evolution of a magnetic field.
Burrows, A., Marley, M., Hubbard, W.B.,
Lunine, J.I., Guillot, T., Saumon, D.,
Freedman, R., Sudarsky, D., Sharp, C.,
1997, ApJ, 491, 856.
Comerón, F., Rieke, G.H., Claes, P., Torra, J.,
Laureijs, R.J., 1998, A&A, 335, 522.
Comerón, F., Rieke, G.H., Neuhäuser, R.,
1999, A&A, in press.
D’Antona, F., Mazzitelli, I., 1997, Mem. S. A.
It., 68, 807.
Kenyon, S.J., Hartmann, L., 1995, ApJS, 101,
Kirkpatrick, J.D., Henry, T.J., Simons, D.A.,
1995, AJ, 109, 797.
Lawson, W.A., Feigelson, E.D.,
Huenemoerder, D.P., 1996, MNRAS, 280,
Leggett, S.K., Allard, F., Berriman, G., Dahn,
C.C., Hauschildt, P.H., 1996, ApJS, 104,
Luhman, K.L., Liebert, J., Rieke, G.H., 1997,
ApJ, 489, L165. Neuhäuser, R., 1997,
Science, 276, 1363.
Neuhäuser R., Comerón F., 1998, Science,
282, 83.
Neuhäuser R., Briceno, C., Comerón, F.,
Hearty, T., Martín, E.L., Schmitt, J.H.M.M.,
Stelzer, B., Supper, R., Voges, W.,
Zinnecker, H., A&A, submitted.
Nordh, L., Olofsson, G., Abergel, A., et al.,
1996, A&A, 315, L185.
Olofsson, G., Kaas, A.A., Nordh, L., et al., 1998,
In: Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Planets,
eds. Rebolo R., Martín, E.L., Zapatero
Osorio, M.R., ASP Conf. Ser. 134, p. 81.
Prusti, T., Whittet, D.C.B., Wesselius, P.R.,
1992, MNRAS, 254, 361.
Wilking, B.A., Greene, T.P., Meyer, M.R.,
1998, AJ, in press.
31-31 (PDF)
European Southern Observatory - Atlas of the Northern Sky
ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
In 1990 the Palomar Observatory (California Institute of Technology) and the European Southern Observatory (ESO) started the joint production of the Palomar Observatory - European Southern Observatory Atlas of the Northern Sky, also called the POSS II SURVEY.
31-31 (PDF)
Call for Ideas for Future Public Imaging Surveys
ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Based on the experience gained with EIS, and to prepare for the full exploitation of future imaging facilities such as the VST, ESO is ready to co-ordinate efforts to provide the community with imaging survey data taken at the La Silla Telescopes (2.2-m and NTT).
Other Astronomical News
32-38 (PDF)
Observations with adaptive optics: getting there.
ADS BibCode:
Other Astronomical News
Ulrich, M.-H.
A report on the ESO/OSA Conference, Sonthofen, 7 - 11 September 1998.
38-38 (PDF)
Award for the ESO VLT Project
ADS BibCode:
Other Astronomical News
Madsen, C.
Naturally, ‘First Light’ for the first of the VLT Unit Telescopes has not gone unnoticed by the astronomical community. However, also newspapers, magazines, radio and TV have reported widely about this new facility and about the first, fascinating pictures that were obtained with UT1. Another sign of the world-wide attention that the VLT has caught was the fact that the well-known US magazine Popular Science chose the project for one of the coveted “The Best of What’s New Awards” for 1998, given to the 100 most important technology developments in the course of the year. The construction of the VLT was recognised as an “outstanding achievement” within the “Aviation and Space” category.
39-39 (PDF)
ESO Director General to Become President of AUI
ADS BibCode:
The appointment of Professor Riccardo Giacconi, Director General of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) since January 1, 1993, to the Presidency of Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI) in the USA, has been jointly announced by Professor Paul C. Martin, Chair of AUI’s Board of Trustees and Mr. Henrik Grage, President of the ESO Council. Professor Giacconi will assume this new position at the end of his term at ESO as of July 1, 1999.
39-39 (PDF)
First Announcement - ESO Workshop on - Black Holes in Binaries and Galactic Nuclei – Their Diagnostics, Demography, and Formation - 6–8 September 1999
ADS BibCode:
The aim of this workshop is to bring together astrophysicists working on the rather separate fields of stellar mass and supermassive black holes, with emphasis on the formation, population, physics, and environments of black holes. An overview will be given of the observational evidence for the existence of black holes in binaries and galactic nuclei. Related topics like the late stages of (binary) evolution and galaxy formation will be addressed.
40-40 (PDF)
VLT Opening Symposium - Antofagasta, Chile, 1–4 March 1999
ADS BibCode:
To mark the beginning of the VLT era, the European Southern Observatory is organising a VLT Opening Symposium that will take place in Antofagasta on 1–4 March 1999, just before the start of regular observations with the VLT.
41-41 (PDF)
List of Scientific Preprints (September–December 1998)
ADS BibCode:
1293. A.R. Tieftrunk, R.A. Gaume, T.L. Wilson: High-Resolution Imaging of NH3 Inversion Lines Toward W3 Main. A&A.
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ESO Workshop Proceedings Still Available
ADS BibCode:
Most ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings are still available and may be ordered at the European Southern Observatory. Some of the more recent ones are listed below.
41-41 (PDF)
Personnel Movements
Messenger Index
42-44 (PDF)
Messenger Index 1998 (Nos. 91 - 94)
44-44 (PDF)