Scisoft - An Astronomical Software Collection

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Scisoft is a project within ESO to provide a collection of astronomical software utilities in a uniform way at all ESO sites. The Scisoft RPMs are also made available to the outside world. On Ubuntu, many astronomical packages are directly available. In the past there was a version of Scisoft for the Mac, but this is no longer available.


Scisoft RPMs for Linux is now available for download for Fedora 24-29, CentOS 7 and Scientific Linux 7. The repositories are under the following URLs: .

Scisoft can be treated as a repository of additional software, similar to EPEL, rather than a single large blob. But it is also possible to install most of the packages together as a group. The old PIL package is explicitly excluded from the group, since it can conflict with existing RPMs from the base system.

Also note that the scisoft-extras package does not pull in the same set of external dependencies on all platforms. This is limited to what a given platform delivers as part of the base system. The installation instructions for Scisoft are the following:

For Fedora:
  • sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=
  • sudo dnf groupinstall scisoft
For CentOS:
  • sudo yum install epel-release
  • sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo=
  • sudo yum groupinstall scisoft
For Scientific Linux:
  • sudo yum install epel-release
  • sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo=
  • sudo yum groupinstall scisoft

Please report any problems to scihelp(AT)