Poster: ALMA - In Search of Our Cosmic Origins Movie

To mark the occasion of the inauguration of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) on 13 March 2013, ESO, with its international partners, released a movie called ALMA — In Search of Our Cosmic Origins. This 16-minute video presents the history of ALMA, from the early days of the project several decades ago to the recent first science results. 

The movie is illustrated by dramatic helicopter footage and has a soundtrack that includes expressive music especially composed by Toomas Erm (ESO). You are taken on a journey to ALMA’s home on the Chajnantor Plateau, at 5000 metres above sea level, in the unique environment of the Chilean Atacama Desert. 

Read more about the movie and watch or download it here.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum:8. März 2013 15:40


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