Presenting EIROforum science policy paper "Towards a Europe of Knowledge and Innovation"

Presenting the EIROForum science policy paper "Towards a Europe of Knowledge and Innovation" to the new European Commissioner for Research, Janez Potocnik on 28 January 2005. Taken at the Commission Headquarters Berlaymont Building, the photo shows (left to right): Maximilian Metzger (CERN), Fotis Kafatos (EMBL), Bill Stirling (ILL), David Southwood (ESA), Janez Potočnik, Claus Madsen (ESO), Jerôme Pamela (EFDA-JET) and Colin Carlile (ILL).


European Commission

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Data publikacji:16 czerwca 2015 13:38
Rozmiar:2435 x 990 px

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Kategoria:People and Events

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