The ESO Users Committee (May 2010)

The ESO Users Committee meeting which took place at ESO Headquarters in May 2010. The Users Committee (UC) is one of the advisory bodies to the ESO Director General and mainly works as an interface between the “common users” from the European member states and the ESO representatives. ESO is the foremost intergovernmental astronomy organisation in Europe. It builds and operates the most powerful ground-based astronomical telescopes in the world and provides state-of-the-art research facilities to astronomers.



Sobre a imagem

Data de divulgação:17 de Junho de 2010 às 16:40
Tamanho:3843 x 2585 px

Sobre o objeto

Nome:ESO HQ Garching, Meeting
Tipo:Unspecified : Technology : Observatory : Facility
Unspecified : People : Scientist
Categoria:People and Events

Formatos de imagens

JPEG grande
2,5 MB
