Registration Open

Registration Deadline: 9 September 2013

There will be a registration fee of EUR 150 (EUR 50 for students). Details for on-line payment will be announced in due course. The deadline for payment is 13 September 2013. The registration fee includes tea/coffee breaks, the welcome reception and the workshop dinner.

We do not plan to publish proceedings, but will collect the presentations on the web page.

Please do not forget to make your hotel reservations (please see various booking deadlines).

Registration Deadline: 9 September 2013

Fields marked with * are required.

Please do NOT use Carriage Returns in the text fields.

Last Name *
First Name *
Institute *
Street *
City *
Postal (Zip) Code *
Country *
E-mail *
I am a student
I wish to present a contributed talk (~15min)
Title of your oral contribution
Short abstract of your oral contribution
I wish to present a poster
Title of your poster
Short poster abstract

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