LOFAR Long-Term Archive

Andrey Belikov (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute), D. Boxhoorn (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute), F. Dijkstra (Donald Smits Center for Information Technology), H.A. Holties (Astron), W.-J. Vriend (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute)


The LOFAR Long-Term Archive (LTA, see Valentijn E.A., Belikov A.N., 2009, MmSAI 80,509) is a multi-Petabyte scale data storage for the processed data of LOFAR telescope. We describe the
architecture of LTA, composition and resources available for the archive. The LOFAR LTA was created on the basis of Astro-WISE information system. In the adaptation of Astro-WISE for LOFAR
the system was scaled up to tens Petabytes from the original hundreds Terrabytes scale and extended to the new types of data storage and processing facilities
(Begeman et.al., 2011, FGCS 27, 319). The new data model was implemented and an integration with existing systems of LOFAR data processing performed.

The poster shows all main sites of LOFAR LTA and user interfaces to the archive, describes storage and data processing facilities.

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Paper ID: P009

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