Analysing ALMA data with CASA

Dirk Petry (ESO), the CASA development team at NRAO, ESO, and NAOJ


The radio astronomical data analysis package ′CASA′ was selected to be the designated tool for observers to analyse the data from the Atacama Large mm/sub-mm Array (ALMA) which is under construction and will have started taking its first science data (′Cycle 0′) at the time of this conference. The first call for proposals went out in March 2011.
CASA is a large package which is being developed by NRAO with major contributions from ESO and NAOJ.
Generally, all radio data from interferometers and single dish observatories can be analysed with CASA, but the development focuses presently on enabling the processing of data from the new observatories EVLA and ALMA.
This poster will summarise the status of the (already quite mature) software and highlight features which make CASA unique.

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Paper ID: P114

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