Mounted image 126: The VLT in Action

The ESO Very Large Telescope during observations. In this picture, taken at twilight, the four giant 8.2-metre Unit Telescopes (UTs) are visible. From left to right, their names in the Mapuche language are Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun. A laser beam launched from UT4 (Yepun) creates an artificial guide-star in the Earth's atmosphere, which allows astronomers to remove the effects of atmospheric turbulence, producing images almost as sharp as if the telescope were in space.




ESO/S. Brunier

About the Mounted Image

Datum zveřejnění:23. března 2011 15:54
Dimensions:40 cm (W) x 40 cm (H) x 1 cm (D)
Related archive image:vlt-brunier-nuit