Adaptive optics with MAD

These two images both show the Galactic Centre, but the clarity of the image on the right is vastly improved. It was produced with the Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Demonstrator (MAD), an instrument installed on ESO’s Very Large Telescope that is designed to compensate for the blurring effect of the atmosphere. It works by performing real-time corrections to the atmospheric turbulence by means of computer-controlled deformable mirrors.



À propos de l'image

Date de publication:24 septembre 2018 14:26
Taille:3343 x 2027 px

À propos de l'objet

Nom:Milky Way Galactic Centre
Type:Unspecified : Technology : Observatory : Instrument

Formats des images

Grand JPEG
950,0 Kio
JPEG taille écran
150,2 Kio