sciann13034 — Annuncio
Period 92 Telescope Time Allocation
19 Luglio 2013: The 92nd Observing Programmes Committee met on 21–24 May 2013 and recommended six new Large Programmes (two at the ESO 3.6-metre telescope, one at NTT + VLT UT1, one on VLT UT3 and two at APEX). A total of 1092 (8-hour equivalent) nights of visitor and service mode observations on VLT, VISTA and VST, the 3.6-metre, NTT and APEX have been allocated. On the VLT the balance of visitor and service in Period 92 was 26.5% and 70.7% (2.8% fillers). New and on-going Large Programmes on the VLT occupy 22% of the allocation, while the equivalent numbers on the 3.6-metre and NTT are 65% and 48% respectively. A new query form for the approved runs of Period 92, and earlier periods, is now available and enables a variety of queries by telescope, instrument, PI/CoI, title words, etc. Access to the abstracts, raw files resulting from the observations and links to ...