1000 Views of ESO
"Your ESO Pictures" Flickr Group reaches 1000 photos
31 grudnia 2013
In February 2011 we opened a Flickr Group, called “Your ESO Pictures” to encourage people to share their photos that revealed interesting aspects of ESO. Visitors to our sites often say that it is a life changing experience and we were curious to know what impresses them most. The initiative proved to be very popular, recently passing the 1000 photos milestone, for which we would like to thank all our Flickr friends!
Many of the photos shared with us became Pictures of the Week on the ESO homepage, as we wanted to recognise people’s excellent work, while some of the contributors were invited to join our network of Photo Ambassadors.
We invite you to discover 1000 views on ESO and contribute your own to Your ESO Pictures. As a new idea for the Flickr we also encourage pictures that show “ESO from the inside” — either from staff or visitors. This can be people at work, or weird or wonderful aspects of the organisation.
Richard Hook
ESO Public Information Officer
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6655
Cell: +49 151 1537 3591
Email: rhook@eso.org
Oana Sandu
Community Coordinator
The education and Public Outreach Department
Tel: +49 89 320 069 65
Email: osandu@partner.eso.org
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