ESO News

ESO Photo Release eso1420-en-gb - A Stellar Womb Shaped and Destroyed by its Ungrateful Offspring ESO Organisation Release eso1419-en-gb - Groundbreaking for the E-ELT — Ceremony marks next major step forward for the world’s largest optical/infrared telescope ESO Science Release eso1418-en-gb - Gigantic Explosions Buried in Dust — ALMA probes environment around dark gamma-ray bursts ESO Organisation Release eso1417-en-gb - First Light for SPHERE Exoplanet Imager — Revolutionary new VLT instrument installed
ESO Photo Release eso1420-en-gb - A Stellar Womb Shaped and Destroyed by its Ungrateful Offspring ESO Organisation Release eso1419-en-gb - Groundbreaking for the E-ELT — Ceremony marks next major step forward for the world’s largest optical/infrared telescope ESO Science Release eso1418-en-gb - Gigantic Explosions Buried in Dust — ALMA probes environment around dark gamma-ray bursts ESO Organisation Release eso1417-en-gb - First Light for SPHERE Exoplanet Imager — Revolutionary new VLT instrument installed
ESO Photo Release eso1416-en-gb - A Star Cluster in the Wake of Carina ESO Science Release eso1415-en-gb - Magnetar Formation Mystery Solved? ESO Science Release eso1414-en-gb - Length of Exoplanet Day Measured for First Time — VLT measures the spin of Beta Pictoris b ESO Photo Release eso1413-en-gb - A Study in Scarlet
ESO Photo Release eso1416-en-gb - A Star Cluster in the Wake of Carina ESO Science Release eso1415-en-gb - Magnetar Formation Mystery Solved? ESO Science Release eso1414-en-gb - Length of Exoplanet Day Measured for First Time — VLT measures the spin of Beta Pictoris b ESO Photo Release eso1413-en-gb - A Study in Scarlet
ESO Photo Release eso1412-en-gb - Chance Meeting Creates Celestial Diamond Ring ESO Photo Release eso1411-en-gb - Galactic Serial Killer ESO Science Release eso1410-en-gb - First Ring System Around Asteroid — Chariklo found to have two rings ESO Science Release eso1409-en-gb - VLT Spots Largest Yellow Hypergiant Star — Mix of new and old observations reveals exotic binary system
ESO Photo Release eso1412-en-gb - Chance Meeting Creates Celestial Diamond Ring ESO Photo Release eso1411-en-gb - Galactic Serial Killer ESO Science Release eso1410-en-gb - First Ring System Around Asteroid — Chariklo found to have two rings ESO Science Release eso1409-en-gb - VLT Spots Largest Yellow Hypergiant Star — Mix of new and old observations reveals exotic binary system
ESO Science Release eso1408-en-gb - Crashing Comets Explain Surprise Gas Clump Around Young Star — ALMA reveals an enigmatic gas clump in debris disc around Beta Pictoris ESO Organisation Release eso1407-en-gb - First Light for MUSE — Powerful 3D spectrograph successfully installed on VLT ESO Photo Release eso1406-en-gb - Diamonds in the Tail of the Scorpion — New ESO image of star cluster Messier 7 ESO Science Release eso1405-en-gb - The Anatomy of an Asteroid
ESO Science Release eso1408-en-gb - Crashing Comets Explain Surprise Gas Clump Around Young Star — ALMA reveals an enigmatic gas clump in debris disc around Beta Pictoris ESO Organisation Release eso1407-en-gb - First Light for MUSE — Powerful 3D spectrograph successfully installed on VLT ESO Photo Release eso1406-en-gb - Diamonds in the Tail of the Scorpion — New ESO image of star cluster Messier 7 ESO Science Release eso1405-en-gb - The Anatomy of an Asteroid
ESO Science Release eso1404-en-gb - First Weather Map of Brown Dwarf — ESO’s VLT charts surface of nearest brown dwarf ESO Photo Release eso1403-en-gb - Sneak Preview of Survey Telescope Treasure Trove — VST images the Lagoon Nebula ESO Science Release eso1402-en-gb - First Planet Found Around Solar Twin in Star Cluster — Six-year search with HARPS finds three new planets in Messier 67 ESO Science Release eso1401-en-gb - ALMA Spots Supernova Dust Factory
ESO Science Release eso1404-en-gb - First Weather Map of Brown Dwarf — ESO’s VLT charts surface of nearest brown dwarf ESO Photo Release eso1403-en-gb - Sneak Preview of Survey Telescope Treasure Trove — VST images the Lagoon Nebula ESO Science Release eso1402-en-gb - First Planet Found Around Solar Twin in Star Cluster — Six-year search with HARPS finds three new planets in Messier 67 ESO Science Release eso1401-en-gb - ALMA Spots Supernova Dust Factory
ESO Organisation Release eso1350-en-gb - Extension to ESO Headquarters Inaugurated — New buildings at ESO’s Garching headquarters officially unveiled ESO Organisation Release eso1349-en-gb - Planetarium and Visitor Centre Donated to ESO ESO Photo Release eso1348-en-gb - A Fiery Drama of Star Birth and Death ESO Photo Release eso1347-en-gb - Young Stars Paint Spectacular Stellar Landscape
ESO Organisation Release eso1350-en-gb - Extension to ESO Headquarters Inaugurated — New buildings at ESO’s Garching headquarters officially unveiled ESO Organisation Release eso1349-en-gb - Planetarium and Visitor Centre Donated to ESO ESO Photo Release eso1348-en-gb - A Fiery Drama of Star Birth and Death ESO Photo Release eso1347-en-gb - Young Stars Paint Spectacular Stellar Landscape
ESO Organisation Release eso1346-en-gb - ESO Celebrates 50 Years of Collaboration with Chile ESO Organisation Release eso1345-en-gb - Chilean President Visits Paranal to Announce Transfer of Land for the E-ELT ESO Science Release eso1344-en-gb - ALMA Probes Mysteries of Jets from Giant Black Holes ESO Photo Release eso1343-en-gb - A Close Look at the Toby Jug Nebula
ESO Organisation Release eso1346-en-gb - ESO Celebrates 50 Years of Collaboration with Chile ESO Organisation Release eso1345-en-gb - Chilean President Visits Paranal to Announce Transfer of Land for the E-ELT ESO Science Release eso1344-en-gb - ALMA Probes Mysteries of Jets from Giant Black Holes ESO Photo Release eso1343-en-gb - A Close Look at the Toby Jug Nebula
ESO Organisation Release eso1342-en-gb - Final Antenna Delivered to ALMA — All 66 ALMA antennas now handed over to the observatory ESO Photo Release eso1341-en-gb - The Cool Glow of Star Formation — First Light of Powerful New Camera on APEX ESO Photo Release eso1340-en-gb - Young Stars Cooking in the Prawn Nebula ESO Science Release eso1339-en-gb - The Peanut at the Heart of our Galaxy — ESO telescopes create the best 3D map yet of central bulge of the Milky Way
ESO Organisation Release eso1342-en-gb - Final Antenna Delivered to ALMA — All 66 ALMA antennas now handed over to the observatory ESO Photo Release eso1341-en-gb - The Cool Glow of Star Formation — First Light of Powerful New Camera on APEX ESO Photo Release eso1340-en-gb - Young Stars Cooking in the Prawn Nebula ESO Science Release eso1339-en-gb - The Peanut at the Heart of our Galaxy — ESO telescopes create the best 3D map yet of central bulge of the Milky Way
ESO Science Release eso1338-en-gb - Bizarre Alignment of Planetary Nebulae ESO Science Release eso1337-en-gb - Oldest Solar Twin Identified — ESO’s VLT provides new clues to help solve lithium mystery ESO Photo Release eso1336-en-gb - ALMA Takes Close Look at Drama of Starbirth ESO Photo Release eso1335-en-gb - The Odd Couple — Two very different gas clouds in the galaxy next door
ESO Science Release eso1338-en-gb - Bizarre Alignment of Planetary Nebulae ESO Science Release eso1337-en-gb - Oldest Solar Twin Identified — ESO’s VLT provides new clues to help solve lithium mystery ESO Photo Release eso1336-en-gb - ALMA Takes Close Look at Drama of Starbirth ESO Photo Release eso1335-en-gb - The Odd Couple — Two very different gas clouds in the galaxy next door
ESO Science Release eso1334-en-gb - Starburst to Star Bust — ALMA Sheds Light on Mystery of Missing Massive Galaxies ESO Science Release eso1333-en-gb - Snow in an Infant Planetary System — A frosty landmark for planet and comet formation ESO Science Release eso1332-en-gb - Ripped Apart by a Black Hole — VLT watches in real time as gas cloud makes closest approach to the monster at the centre of the Milky Way ESO Science Release eso1331-en-gb - ALMA Prenatal Scan Reveals Embryonic Monster Star
ESO Science Release eso1334-en-gb - Starburst to Star Bust — ALMA Sheds Light on Mystery of Missing Massive Galaxies ESO Science Release eso1333-en-gb - Snow in an Infant Planetary System — A frosty landmark for planet and comet formation ESO Science Release eso1332-en-gb - Ripped Apart by a Black Hole — VLT watches in real time as gas cloud makes closest approach to the monster at the centre of the Milky Way ESO Science Release eso1331-en-gb - ALMA Prenatal Scan Reveals Embryonic Monster Star
ESO Science Release eso1330-en-gb - Feeding Galaxy Caught in Distant Searchlight — ESO’s Very Large Telescope probes growth of galaxies ESO Organisation Release eso1329-en-gb - World Premiere of IMAX® 3D Film Hidden Universe — Your ticket to the stars through the eyes of the world’s most powerful telescopes, seen on screen and in 3D for the first time ESO Science Release eso1328-en-gb - Three Planets in Habitable Zone of Nearby Star — Gliese 667C reexamined ESO Science Release eso1327-en-gb - Dusty Surprise Around Giant Black Hole
ESO Science Release eso1330-en-gb - Feeding Galaxy Caught in Distant Searchlight — ESO’s Very Large Telescope probes growth of galaxies ESO Organisation Release eso1329-en-gb - World Premiere of IMAX® 3D Film Hidden Universe — Your ticket to the stars through the eyes of the world’s most powerful telescopes, seen on screen and in 3D for the first time ESO Science Release eso1328-en-gb - Three Planets in Habitable Zone of Nearby Star — Gliese 667C reexamined ESO Science Release eso1327-en-gb - Dusty Surprise Around Giant Black Hole
ESO Science Release eso1326-en-gb - New Kind of Variable Star Discovered — Minute variations in brightness reveal whole new class of stars ESO Science Release eso1325-en-gb - ALMA Discovers Comet Factory — New observations of a “dust trap” around a young star solve long-standing planet formation mystery ESO Science Release eso1324-en-gb - Lightest Exoplanet Imaged So Far? ESO Science Release eso1323-en-gb - Low Sodium Diet Key to Old Age for Stars — New VLT observations create major headache for stellar theories
ESO Science Release eso1326-en-gb - New Kind of Variable Star Discovered — Minute variations in brightness reveal whole new class of stars ESO Science Release eso1325-en-gb - ALMA Discovers Comet Factory — New observations of a “dust trap” around a young star solve long-standing planet formation mystery ESO Science Release eso1324-en-gb - Lightest Exoplanet Imaged So Far? ESO Science Release eso1323-en-gb - Low Sodium Diet Key to Old Age for Stars — New VLT observations create major headache for stellar theories
ESO Photo Release eso1322 - ESO's Very Large Telescope Celebrates 15 Years of Success ESO Photo Release eso1321 - Orion's Hidden Fiery Ribbon
ESO Photo Release eso1322 - ESO's Very Large Telescope Celebrates 15 Years of Success ESO Photo Release eso1321 - Orion's Hidden Fiery Ribbon
Showing 301 to 350 of 442
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