Filter Transmission Curves

Broad and Intermediate Band Filter Curves

New filters (u_HIGH, b_HIGH, v_HIGH, g_HIGH) were purchased for the FORS1 blue sensitive mosaic at the beginning of 2007 and are currently offered on the instrument. However users should be aware that thetabulated curves available for these filters are derived from lab measurements. New measurements on site are still pending.The web page will be updated as soon as we get the new data.
Click the broad band filter to get the tabulated values:

BESS_B , BESS_I (ascii, plot) , BESS_R , BESS_U , BESS_V , u_HIGH , b_HIGH (ascii, plot), v_HIGH (ascii, plot), g_HIGH , GG375 , GG375 , GG435 , GG435 , GUNN_G , GUNN_R , GUNN_U , GUNN_V , GUNN_Z , IF_485 , IF_691 , IF_815 , IF_834 , IF_915 , OG590 , OG590 , SPECIAL_R (ascii, plot), SPECIAL_U


Interference Filter Curves available for FORS

Narrow and intermediate band filter curves measured within the instrument. The lamps are not providing constant flux and the absolute peak transmission can be scaled therefore to any value: to be calibrated with flux standards on the sky. Between 450nm and 1 micron the peak transmission should be more or less within 10%, but in the U band there is no grism available for which the light would go straight through.

interference filter COLL_SR COLL_SR COLL_HR COLL_HR source
g_GUNN+40 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2000-10-11
z_SPECIAL+43 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2000-10-12
OII+44 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-18
OII/4000+45 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-15
OII/8000+46 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-18
HeII+47 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2000-10-10
HeII/3000+48 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2001-07-17
HeII/6500+49 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2000-10-10
OIII+50 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2023-10-15
OIII/3000+51 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2001-07-16
OIII/6000+52 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2001-07-15
HeI+53 ascii ps-plo ascii ps-plot PSO; 2002-12-29
HeI/2500+54 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-15
HeI/5000+55 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2002-12-29
OI+56 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2000-10-11
OI/2500+57 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-15
OI/4500+58 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-15
H_Alpha/2500+60 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2001-07-16
H_Alpha/4500+61 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2001-07-15
SII+62 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2001-07-16
SII/2000+63 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-15>
SII/4500+64 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-16
SIII+65 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-16
SIII/1500+66 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-16
SIII/3000+67 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-16
FILT_485_37+68 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2000-10-11
FILT_691_55+69 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2000-10-11
FILT_815_13+70 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-16
FILT_834_48+71 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2002-10-22
H_Alpha+83 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2000-10-12
FILT_530_25+84 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-18
FILT_500_5+85 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-18
FILT_503_5+86 ascii ps-plot     PSO; 2007-06-18
FILT_917_6+88 ascii ps-plot ascii ps-plot PSO; 2001-07-14