Sampo project - Reflex - Examples

The ESO Recipe Flexible Execution Workbench

Using the examples

This is a collection of example workflows that present different features, which reflex supports. Some of the examples are provided in tar-archives that include the workflow, input-files and possible script-files. Note that, because of the input-files, the archives can be quite big. All workflows are in XML-format. To use the workflows in ESO Reflex, the user must load the workflow in the ESO Reflex Workflow Launcher window. To use AMBER-workflows,the user should have the example workflow and AMBER test data.

AMBER workflows

The examples directory under reflex/reflex-current contains an example of a science workflow for the ESO VLT AMBER-instrument that takes AMBER FITS-images and calibration images as input, performs image calibration to the image and plots the results. Notice that for science frames, users need to use test data from the science sub-directory and for calibration frames, the calib sub-directory. Frames for bad pixels and flatfield are in the top-directory.

Running the example AMBER workflow

  1. Download and unpack the test data package for AMBER
  2. Start up Reflex
  3. Load the workflow amber_science_gri.xml from the examples directory
  4. In Set the inputs screen choose Load inputs from SOF file, pick file amber_science.sof in the test data package
  5. In Settings choose as your selected FITS table viewer
  6. In Execute screen set amber_selector to interactive mode by clicking it
  7. Press Execute

An example of AMBER workflow
An example of AMBER workflow