Sampo project - Reflex - Examples

Starting up

Reflex kit installation
  1. To start up Reflex, type: reflex
  2. Wait for the GUI show up
Custom installation
  1. cd to Reflex installation directory.
  2. Type: reflex
  3. Wait for the GUI to show up


  • If you get an error relating to loading of the dot library, please install the Graphviz software.
  • On any errors related to loading the CPL libraries, check and double check the CPLDIR environment variable definition as described in the installation instructions above. Also check that all the recipe libraries are available under CPLDIR.

Reporting bugs

  • Use this web form to report any bugs you may encounter.
  • Please provide instructions (as detailed as possible) to reproduce the bug
  • Also include the log file located under reflex-1.1 in your report