Sampo project - Reflex - Examples

The ESO Recipe Flexible Execution Workbench

Using the examples

This is a collection of example workflows that present different features, which reflex supports. Some of the examples are provided in tar-archives that include the workflow, input-files and possible script-files. Note that, because of the input-files, the archives can be quite big. All workflows are in XML-format. To use the workflows in ESO Reflex, the user must load the workflow in the ESO Reflex Workflow Launcher window. To use IDL scripts, the user should have appropriate IDL installed and the example workflow, scripts and input files should be located in the same directory.

Workflows using idl

||This|| is an example of a workflow that uses idl script that takes a fits-image as input, two parameter to set the image luminocity values and finally launch an IDL procedure ATV with the parameter values. ATV is an IDL version of the FITS-image viewer.The file includes the workflow, the IDL scripts and an example image.

An example of a workflow using a IDL script
An example of a workflow using a IDL script