G.Chiozzi's documents

This section contains documents and publications I have written and that could be of interest or that are referenced in other sections of my Web.
Most of the documents are publicly available and they are provided typically in PDF format.
ESO document from my home page have restricted access. Look in the official ESO pages for the ones publicly available or ask me explicitly for download authorisation
Other documents (like articles published on a magazine, scientific publications or internal use only documents) cannot be posted on a Web. In this case only an abstract is provided.


Information Science / Control Systems / Telescopes


G.CHIOZZI, N.RADZIWILL (2012, Editors) - Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy II, Conference volume 8451, Proceedings of SPIE Series, SPIE, ISBN: 978-0-8194-9152-7

G.CHIOZZI, N.RADZIWILL (2014, Editors) - Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III, Conference volume 9152, Proceedings of SPIE Series, SPIE, ISBN: 978-0-8194-9620-1

G.CHIOZZI, J.C.GUZMAN (2016, Editors) - Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy IV, Conference volume 9913, Proceedings of SPIE Series, SPIE, ISBN: 978-1-5106-0205-2

G.CHIOZZI, J.IBSEN (2022, Editors) - Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VII, Conference volume 12189, Proceedings of SPIE Series, SPIE

G.CHIOZZI, J.IBSEN (2024, Editors) - Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VIII, Conference volume 13101, Proceedings of SPIE Series, SPIE


G.CHIOZZI (1995) - Estensioni al paradigma Model-View-Controller per il progetto di applicazioni grafiche interattive, "nota breve"
1996 Rivista di Informatica AICA
XXVI, n 1 pp. 25 to 35

L.ANDOLFATO, R.KARBAN, M.SCHILLING, H.SOMMER, M.ZAMPARELLI, G.CHIOZZI (2014) - Experiences in Applying Model Driven Engineering to the Telescope and Instrument Control System Domain, Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8767, 2014, pp 403-419 - Springer International Publishing Switzerland (Slides – PDF)


G.CHIOZZI G.GHEZZI M.TUCCI S.PANTAROTTO (1992) - MigWob: a coherent C++ interface to mixed X-Windows and graPHIGS programming
IBM Interdivisional Technical Liaison Conference on Image Processing and Visualisation, Milan - Italy 15-17 Sept.- 1992

G.CHIOZZI G.GHEZZI M.TUCCI (1992) - Graphical user interfaces applied to map processing: an application within a C++ framework
3rd European Symposium on Object-Oriented Software Development, Böblingen - Germany 12-15 Oct.- 1992

G.CHIOZZI G.GHEZZI M.TUCCI S.PANTAROTTO (1993) - A C++ Application for high performance 2D graphical user interfaces
Submitted to Chi '93 Conference - 1993. Not published in conference proceedings.

G.CHIOZZI G.GHEZZI M.TUCCI S.PANTAROTTO (1993) - A C++ Application Framework to integrate X-Windows and graPHIGS in a coherent object oriented environment
VIII Convegno I.CO.GRAPHICS, Milan - Italy - 08-12 Mar.- 1993

G.CHIOZZI T.ACCARDO(1995) - The Very Large Telescope real time database. An object-oriented approach based over RTAP
RTAP European User Group '95 conference, Lyon - France - 11-13 Apr. - 1995

G.CHIOZZI (1995) - An object-oriented event-driven architecture for the VLT Telescope Control Software
International Conference on Accelerators and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems '95, Chicago, ILLINOIS - USA - 30 Oct./3 Nov. - 1995

G.CHIOZZI K.WIRENSTRAND M.RAVENSBERGEN B.GILLI (1997) - Integration tests of the VLT Telescope Control System
SPIE Telescope Control Systems II, San Diego, CA, 27 Jul./1 Aug 1997, Proc. SPIE 3112
(See also: on-line presentation)

G.CHIOZZI J.M.FILGUEIRA (1999) - Real-Time Control Systems: a "One Document" Object Oriented Development Process
International Conference on Accelerators and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems '99, Trieste - ITALY - 04 Oct./08 Oct. - 1999
(See also: Poster drawing, Corel Draw 4.0, zip, 363Kb)

G.CHIOZZI P.DUHOUX R.KARBAN (2000) – VLTI Auxiliary Telescopes: a full Object Oriented approach - (pdf, 2.6Mb)
Advanced Telescope and Instrumentation Control Software, Munich – Germany 27-31 Mar. 2000, Proc. SPIE 4009-03

K.WIRENSTRAND G.CHIOZZI R.KARBAN (2000) – VLT Telescope Control Software installation and commissioning (pdf, 43Kb)
Advanced Telescope and Instrumentation Control Software, Munich – Germany 27-31 Mar. 2000, Proc. SPIE 4009-20

G.CHIOZZI R.KARBAN K.WIRENSTRAND (2000) – Field Stabilisation on the ESO VLT Telescopes (pdf, 2.4Mb)
Advanced Telescope and Instrumentation Control Software, Munich – Germany 27-31 Mar. 2000, Proc. SPIE 4009-11

G.RAFFI G.CHIOZZI B.GLENDENNING (2001) - The ALMA Common Software (ACS) as a basis for a distributed software development, ADASS XI conference, Victoria, BC, Canada, Sep. 2001

G.CHIOZZI et al. (2001) – Common Software for the ALMA project, International Conference on Accelerators and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems 2001

G.CHIOZZI et al. (2002) - CORBA-based Common Software for the ALMA project, SPIE Advanced Telescope and Instrumentation Telescope Control Software II, Kona, HW, Aug 2002, Proc. SPIE 4840

G.CHIOZZI et al. (2002) - ACS, a CORBA-based Common Software for ALMA and other projects, CORBA Control Workshop, ISRF Grenoble, FR, October 2002

PCaPAC 2002
Workshop, Frascati, IT, September 2002

H.SOMMER et al. (2003) - Transparent XML Binding using ALMA Common Software (ACS) Component/Container Framework,
ADASS XIII conference, Strasburg, France, Oct 2003,
(Poster, pdf)

B.JERAM et al. (2003) - Generic abstraction of hardware control based on the ALMA Common Software,
ADASS XIII conference, Strasburg, France, Oct 2003,
(Poster, pdf)

G.CHIOZZI et al. (2003) – The ALMA Common Software (ACS): status and development,
International Conference on Accelerators and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems 2003
Gyeongju, Korea, October 13-17, 2003
(Poster, pdf)

K.ZAGAR et al. (2003) – ACS - Overview of technical features,
International Conference on Accelerators and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems 2003
Gyeongju, Korea, October 13-17, 2003

G.CHIOZZI et. al (2004) – The ALMA Common Software: a developer friendly CORBA based framework,
SPIE 2004 - Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation
Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 21-25 June 2004
, invited paper 5496-23
(Power Point presentation, ppt)

H.SOMMER et. al (2004) – Container-Component model and XML in ALMA ACS,
SPIE 2004 - Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation
Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 21-25 June 2004
, paper 5496-24
(Power Point presentation, ppt)

P. DI MARCANTONIO, R. CIRAMI, G. CHIOZZI (2004) – ACS Sampling System: design, implementation and performance evaluation,
SPIE 2004 - Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation
Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 21-25 June 2004
, poster 5496-45
(Poster, pdf)

K.ZAGAR et al. (2005) ACS as a Dependable Distributed System ,
PCaPAC 2005 - International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls
Hayama, JapanGlasgow, 22 - 25 March, 2005
(Poster, png)

G.CHIOZZI et. al. (2005) – The ALMA Common Software ACS Status and Developments,
ICALEPCS'2005, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2005 (Power Point presentation, ppt)

D. FUGATE et al. (2005) – A generic software interface simulator for ALMA common software,
ICALEPCS'2005, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2005 (Power Point presentation, ppt)

P. DI MARCANTONIO et al. (2005) – Transmitting huge amounts of data design implementation and performance of the bulk data transfer mechanism in ALMA ACS,
ICALEPCS'2005, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2005 (poster, A3 format)

S.HARRINGHTON et al. (2005) – ACS as the framework for integrating offline data reduction in ALMA,
ADASS XV, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain, October 2005 (Power Point presentation, ppt)

G.CHIOZZI et. al (2006) – The Application development using the ALMA Common Software,
SPIE 2006 - Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation
Orlando, Florida, USA, 24-31 May 2006

(Power Point presentation, ppt)

R.CIRAMI et. al (2006) – Bulk data transfer distributer: a high performance multicast model in ALMA ACS,
SPIE 2006 - Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation
Orlando, Florida, USA, 24-31 May 2006

(Poster, pdf)

G.CHIOZZI ET AL. (2007) – Trends in Software for Large Astronomy Projects,
ICALEPCS'2007, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, October 2007
(Power Point presentation, ppt)

R.CIRAMI, P.SANTIN, G.CHIOZZI (2007) – Study of Portability of VLT Instrumentation Software to ACS,
ICALEPCS'2007, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, October 2007
(Poster, pdf)

K.ZAGAR et al. (2008) – Integration of ALMA Common Software and National Instruments LabView,
PCaPAC 2008 Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia 15.2.2007

J.SCHWARZ et. al (2008) – The ALMA Common Software — Dispatch from the trenches,
SPIE 2008 - Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation
Marseille, France, 23-28 June 2008
, paper 7019-32
(Power Point presentation, ppt)

G.CHIOZZI et. al (2008) – Enabling technologies and constraints for software sharing in large astronomy projects,
SPIE 2008 - Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation
Marseille, France, 23-28 June 2008
, paper 7019-32
(Power Point presentation, ppt)

G.CHIOZZI et al. (2009) - ALMA Common Software (ACS), status and development,
ICALEPCS2009, Kobe, Japan, October 2009
(Poster, pdf)

J.AVARIAS, H.SOMMER, G.CHIOZZI (2009) - Data Distribution Service as an alternative to CORBA Notify Service for the ALMA Common Software,
ICALEPCS2009, Kobe, Japan, October 2009
(Power Point presentation, ppt)

M.KIEKEBUSH, G.CHIOZZI, J.KNUDSTRUP, D.POPOVICH, G.ZINS (2010) – Evolution of the VLT Instrument Control System toward industry standards, 7740-030
SPIE 2010 – Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, San Diego, CA, USA, 27 June – 02 July 2010
(Power Point presentation, ppt)

C.MENAI, G.ZAMORA, R.TOBAR, J.AVARIAS, K.DAHL_SKOG, H.VON BRAND, G.CHIOZZI, (2010) – New architectures support for ALMA Common Software: lessons learned, 7740-065
SPIE 2010 – Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, San Diego, CA, USA, 27 June – 02 July 2010

N.TRONCOSO, H.VON BRAND, J.IBSEN, M.MORA, V.GONZALES, G.CHIOZZI, B.JERAM, H.SOMMER, G.ZAMORA, A.TEJEDA (2010) – A Code Generation Framework for the ALMA Common Software, 7740-121
SPIE 2010 – Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, San Diego, CA, USA, 27 June – 02 July 2010
(Poster, pdf)

J.AVARIAS, J.LOPEZ, C.MAUREIRA, H.SOMMER G.CHIOZZI (2010) – Introducing High Performance Distributed Logging Service for ACS, 7740-121
SPIE 2010 – Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, San Diego, CA, USA, 27 June – 02 July 2010

M.MORA, J.IBSEN, G.CHIOZZI, N.TRONCOSO, R.TOBAR, M.ARAYA, J.AVARIAS, A.HOFFSTADT (2010) – Integrating a university team in the ALMA software development process: a successful model for distributed collaborations, 7740-130
SPIE 2010 – Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, San Diego, CA, USA, 27 June – 02 July 2010

P.YOUNG, M.KIEKEBUSH, G.CHIOZZI (2010) – Instrument Control Software Requirement Specification for Extremely Large Telescopes, 7740-217
SPIE 2010 – Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, San Diego, CA, USA, 27 June – 02 July 2010
(Poster, pdf)

L.ANDOLFATO, G.CHIOZZI, N.MIGLIORINI, C.MORALES (2011) - A Platform Independent Framework for Statecharts Code Generation, ICALEPCS 2011, Grenoble, France
(Talk, pdf)

P.DI MARCANTONIO, R.CIRAMI, I.CORETTI, G.CHIOZZI, M.KIEKEBUSH (2011) - Evaluation of Software and Electronics Technologies for the Control of the E-ELT Instruments: a Case Study, ICALEPCS 2011, Grenoble, France
(Poster, pdf)

G.CHIOZZI, L.ANDOLFATO, R.KARBAN, A.TEJEDA (2011) - A UML profile for code generation of component based distributed systems, ICALEPCS 2011, Grenoble, France.
(Poster, pdf)

R.KARBAN, M.ZAMPARELLI, B.BAUVIER, G.CHIOZZI (2012) - Three years of MBSE for a large scientific programme: Report from the Trenches of Telescope Modelling, INCOSE 2012 (Rome, 09-12 July 2012)

B.JERAM, G.CHIOZZI, R.TOBAR (2013) – Reimplementing the bulk data system withn DDS in ALMA ACS, ICALEPCS 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

M.KIEKEBUSCH, C.LUCUIX, T.ERM, G.CHIOZZI, M.ZAMPARELLI, L.KERN, R.BRAST,W.PIRANI, R.REISS, D.POPOVIC, J.KNUDSTRUP, M.DUCHATEAU,S.SANDROC, N. DI LIETO (2014) - PC based PLCs and ethernet based fieldbus: the new standard platform for future VLT instrument control, SPIE 2014 – Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June 2014

J.C.GUZMAN, G.CHIOZZI, A.BRIDGER, J.IBSEN (2014) - The cost of developing and maintain the monitoring and control software of large ground-based telescopes, SPIE 2014 – Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June 2014

M.KIEKEBUSCH, N. DI LIETO, S.SANDROCK, D.POPOVIC, G.CHIOZZI (2014) - MathWorks Simulink and C++ integration with the new VLT PLC-based standard development platform for instrument control systems telescopes, SPIE 2014 – Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June 2014

R.KARBAN, L.ANDOLFATO, P.BRISTOW, G.CHIOZZI, M.ESSELBORN, M.SCHILLING, C.SCHMID, H.SOMMER, M.ZAMPARELLI (2014) - Model based systems engineering for astronomical projects, SPIE 2014 – Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy VI, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June 2014 (Slides - pdf)

L.ANDOLFATO, R.KARBAN, M.SCHILLING, H.SOMMER, M.ZAMPARELLI, G.CHIOZZI (2014) - Experiences in Applying Model Driven Engineering to the Telescope and Instrument Control System Domain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8767, 2014, pp 403-419 - Springer International Publishing Switzerland (Slides - pdf)

G.CHIOZZI, H.SOMMER, M.SARAZIN, T.BIERWIRTH, D.DORIGO, I.VERA SEQUEIROS, J.NAVARRETE, D.DEL VALLE (2016) –The ESO astronomical site monitor upgradeProceedings SPIE 9913, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy IV, 991314, August 2016 (Slides - pdf)

A.CAPRONI, P.COLOMER, B.JERAM, H.SOMMER, G.CHIOZZI, M.M.MANAS (2016) – ACS from development to operationsProceedings SPIE 9913, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy IV, 991313, August 2016

G.CHIOZZI, M.KIEKEBUSCH, N.KORNWEIBEL, U.LAMPATER, M.SCHILLING, B.SEDGHI, H.SOMMER (2018) –The ELT Control SystemProceedings SPIE 10707-31, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy, June 2018

G.CHIOZZI, L.ANDOLFATO, M.KIEKEBUSCH, N.KORNWEIBEL, M.SCHILLING, M.ZAMPARELLI (2018) –Designing and managing software interfaces for the ELTProceedings SPIE 10707-31, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy, June 2018

M.ZAMPARELLI, L.ANDOLFATO, G.CHIOZZI (2018) –MBSE for the ELT Control SoftwareProceedings des Tag des Systems Engineering (TdSE 2019). Munich, Germany, 2019

G.CHIOZZI et al. (2021) – The ELT control System: Recent Developments (Slides – PDF), ICALEPCS 2021, Shanghai, China (virtual conference)

G.CHIOZZI, N.KORNWEIBEL, U.LAMPATER, B.SEDGI, H.SOMMER (2022) –The ELT high level coordination and controlProceedings SPIE 12189, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy, July 2022

G.CHIOZZI et al. (2024) – Status of the ELT control software development Proceedings Volume Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VIII, 1310105 (2024) – DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.3019706

L.ANDOLFATO, J.ARGOMEDO, A.CAPRONI, G.CHIOZZI, N.KORNWEIBEL, F.DEMSKY (2024) – ELT tracking local supervisors design and development status Proceedings Volume Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VIII, 1310115 (2024) – DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.3020049

A.HOFFSTADT URRUTIA, G.CHIOZZI, M.KIEKEBUSCH, C.PASCUAL-IZARRA, Z.RESZELA (2024) – Taurus integration to ELT control software Proceedings Volume Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VIII, 131013R (2024) – DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.3019717


A.BONDI G.CHIOZZI (1991) - AGXMM - A C Library for Extended Memory Manager
IBM Milan Scientific Center Technical Report SCM-0001, January 1991

G.CHIOZZI (1991) - I formati grafici e l'interscambio di immagini
IBM Milan Scientific Center Technical Report SCM-0002, November 1991


G.CHIOZZI (23/06/2004) - An Introduction to Scalable Frameworks for Observatory Software Infrastructure
SPIE 2004 - Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation
Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 21-25 June 2004
, Short Couse 644.

G.CHIOZZI (29/05/2006) - An Introduction to Scalable Frameworks for Observatory Software Infrastructure
SPIE 2006 - Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation
Orlando, Florida, USA, 24-31 May 2006
, Short Couse 644.

G.CHIOZZI (25/06/2008) - An Introduction to Scalable Frameworks for Observatory Software Infrastructure
SPIE 2008 - Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation
Marseille, France, 23-28 June 2008
, Short Couse 644.

G.CHIOZZI (01/07/2010) - An Introduction to Scalable Frameworks for Observatory Software Infrastructure
SPIE 2010 – Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation,
San Diego, CA, USA, 27 June – 02 July 2010
, Short Couse 644.

G.CHIOZZI (12/06/2012) - Architecture of antenna controls
Technology in Radio Astronomy and Space Science, Sardinian Summer School in Astrophysics, Cagliari, Italy, 10 June - 16 June 2012


IBM presentations:

G.CHIOZZI (1993) - MigWob - Un ambiente Object Oriented per lo sviluppo di applicazioni grafiche interattive - (html, Italian)
These slides correspond to a presentation of the MigWob library that has been given, with minor modifications, on several occasions
during 1993 and in particular at the:
VII Convegno I.CO.GRAPHICS, Milan - Italy - 08-12 Mar.- 1993



G.CHIOZZI (1987) – Assorbimento ciclotronico elettronico per onde elettromagnetiche in plasmi anche fortemente anisotropi (Electron cyclotron absorption for electromagnetic waves in highly anisotropic plasmas)
Universita' degli Studi di Ferrara, Corso di Laurea in Fisica.
Relatore: Prof. M.Bornatici


I.FIDONE G.GIRUZZI G.CHIOZZI (1989) - Emission and absorption profiles in electron- cyclotron radiation for non-thermal plasmas
1989 Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fus.
31, n 13 pp. 2003 to 2010

M.BORNATICI G.CHIOZZI P.DE CHIARA (1990) - Weakly relativistic dielectric tensor in the presence of temperature anisotropy
1990 Journal of Plasma Phys.
44, 319


M.BORNATICI G.CHIOZZI (1988) - A new representation of the relativistic dielectric tensor for a magnetised plasma
15th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating P 8 I 75 Dubrovnick 16-20 May 1988

M.BORNATICI G.CHIOZZI P.DE CHIARA (1988) - Tensore dielettrico debolmente relativistico per un plasma anisotropo
5th Congresso Nazionale di elettronica quantistica e plasmi, Firenze, Italy 16-19 Nov. 1988

I.BOSCOLO et al. (1988) - A tuneable free electron laser in the millimetric band
5th Congresso Nazionale di elettronica quantistica e plasmi, Firenze,
Italy 16-19 Nov. 1988

I.BOSCOLO et al. (1988) - A continuous free electron laser in the millimetric band
EUREKA conference on FEL, 1988

I.FIDONE G.GIRUZZI G.CHIOZZI V.KRIVENSKI (1989) - Velocity spectra of emission and absorption in electron-cyclotron radiation
7th Joint Workshop on ECE and ECRH (EC-7), Anhui (P.R.China) 8-11 May,1989

M.BORNATICI G.CHIOZZI P.DE CHIARA (1989) - Tensore dielettrico relativistico in presenza di anisotropia sia in temperatura che di tipo loss-cone
LXXV Congresso Nazionale SIF, Cagliari Italy 28 Sept. 3 Oct. 1989

P.DE CHIARA G.CHIOZZI (1990) - Analytical representation for a relativistic anisotropic plasma with loss-cone distribution function
IV Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics, Buenos Aires - Argentina 16-27 July - 1990

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© gchiozzi@eso.org

Last modified: 2024-09-02