FLAMES-UVES data pipeline products obtained on Paranal - visitor mode only
This webpage lists the data products obtained using the FLAMES-UVES pipeline in visitor mode. Please read this webpage in conjunction with the FLAMES-UVES Data reduction users manual available here. Service mode observers should look here which link also includes the old naming scheme.
Visitors to Paranal will find a functioning FLAMES-UVES pipeline. This may be a more evolved release than the standard issued pipeline. Please note that reduced data are not backed up on DVD; if you want them then you have to back them up to DAT or ftp them home.
A description of the reduced products available on wgsoff2 (/data-ut2/reduced/date e.g. /data-ut2/reduced/2003-11-28) is given below. A * in the filename will be replaced by UVES.date e.g. r.UVES.2003-11-28T04:12:16.317.0005.fits.
- In the name, a REDL refers to the L(ower) wavelength CCD and REDU to the U(pper) part.
- Each product contains all the information related to the all the extracted fibres in separate slices (either 1D slices of 2D frames or 2D slices of 3D frames).
- In the case of SimCal mode, the first fibre of products 0001 and 0007 is zero. This is because to have a fibre-throughput corrected spectrum you need an 'ALL' FF with all fibresilluminated at the same time. (SimCal fibre AND 7 OzPoz). The RAW frames, not being fibre-through put corrected, do contain this extracted fibre. Hence the reason for the delivery of RAW and other types of frames.
- Using the pipeline, user's can choose to do the data reduction using standard parameter options, meaning that they will get products for each fibre (about 100 products). To activate the usage and generation of cubes, you have to set particular DRS keywords (DRS_SCI_CUBE and DRS_CUBIFY) as described here.Note that changing of DRS defaults is discouraged.
Filename | Classification | Description |
r.*.0000.tfits | FIB_SCI_INFO_TAB | Table containing information about the fibre positions. |
r.*.0001.fits | MWXB_SCI_REDL | Merged, rebinned, extracted, flatfielded, debiased and background subtracted frame (2D). |
r.*.0002.fits | ERR_MWXB_SCI_REDL | Corresponding error frame for MWXB_SCI_REDL (2D). |
r.*.0003.fits | XB_SCI_REDL | Extracted, flatfielded, debiased and background corrected frame (3D). |
r.*.0004.fits | MWXB_SCI_RAW_REDL | Merged and wavelength-calibrated extracted spectrum for REDL corrected for different throughputs of the fibres (2D). |
r.*.0005.fits | ERR_MWXB_SCI_RAW_REDL | Corresponding error frame for MWXB_SCI_RAW_REDL (2D). |
r.*.0006.fits | XB_SCI_RAW_REDL | Extracted and not throughput-corrected spectra for REDL (3D). |
r.*.0007.fits | MWXB_SCI_REDU | Merged, rebinned, extracted, flatfielded, debiased and background subtracted frame (2D). |
r.*.0008.fits | ERR_MWXB_SCI_REDU | Corresponding error frame for MWXB_SCI_REDU (2D). |
r.*.0009.fits | XB_SCI_REDU | Extracted, flatfielded, debiased and background corrected frame (3D). |
r.*.0010.fits | MWXB_SCI_RAW_REDU | Merged and wavelength-calibrated extracted spectrum for REDU corrected for different throughputs of the fibres (2D). |
r.*.0011.fits | ERR_MWXB_SCI_RAW_REDU | Corresponding error for MWXB_SCI_RAW_REDU (2D). |
r.*.0012.fits | XB_SCI_RAW_REDU | Extracted and not throughput-corrected spectra for REDU (3D). |