XSHOOTER Documentation

  • XSHOOTER reference article: Vernet et al. 2011. Please cite this article when using XSHOOTER data in publications.
  • Find here a document describing the NIR readout mode and its different regimes (normal, inter/extrapolated, saturated).
  • Problem with wavelength shift between the XSHOOTER arms. A document prepared by S. Moehler explains the physical and pipeline origins as well as the corrective actions taken.
  • The Virtual Image Slicer mode allows to observe bright objects that would otherwise saturate, but also to increase the signal-to-noise ratio in single exposures.


XSHOOTER User Manuals

  • Period 115, Phase I and Phase II preparation. The IFU is not offerred since P111.
  • Period 114, Phase I and Phase II preparation. The IFU is not offerred since P111.
  • Period 113, Phase I and Phase II preparation. The IFU is not offerred since P111.
  • Period 112, Phase I and Phase II preparation. The IFU is not offerred since P111.
  • Period 111, Phase I and Phase II preparation. The IFU is not offerred since P111.
  • Period 110, Phase I and Phase II preparation.
  • Period 109, Phase I and Phase II preparation.
  • Period 108, Phase I and Phase II preparation.





The ESO X-shooter pipeline and Reflex package are available at https://www.eso.org/sci/software/pipelines/.

A list of Frequently Asked Questions on data reduction is also available here: http://www.eso.org/sci/data-processing/faq.html.